Congratulations to W.Bro. Ariel I. Roque appointed Provincial Grand Sword Bearer, initiated in January 2004; he progressed through every office to the Chair in 2009, and again W.M. 2014. His lectures on the three tracing boards being word perfect even if his Cuban accent sometimes hinders its reception. A joining member of Discovery Lodge 8601 he went into the Chair in 2013.
And to
W.Bro. Denis Tucker appointed Acting Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies in 2000, promoted to PPrDepGDC in 2004, promoted to PPrGReg in 2008, Acting Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies 2009, is to be appointed “Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden”, a D.C. who has served three consecutive administrations of Provincial Grand Master either on a formal basis, or being personally asked by the PGM of the time.